NCEA review update
SPAC's update on the NCEA review from its July 2019 meeting
The government has a professional advisory group from sector and ministerial advisory group (MAG) of “radical disrupters”. They have looked at the feedback from the consultation last year and reported to the Minister of Education. There is not a consistent message from the feedback.
Following the 2018 report, the minister set up the Professional Advisory Group (PAG). The members of that group are:
- Roger Moses (Chair) – Headmaster of Wellington College
- Melanie Webber - teacher at Western Springs College and PPTA junior vice president.
- Deidre Shea - Principal of Onehunga High School, and member of the NCEA review reference group.
- Helen Mora - Head of science at Linwood College
- Natalie Faitala - HOD English at Wesley College.
- Rangimarie Mahuta - Deputy principal of Te Wharekura o Rakaumanga
- James Morris - Chair of the Secondary Principals’ Council,principal of Darfield High School and a member of the Tomorrow’s Schools advisory panel
- Louise Anaru - Principal at Flaxmere College
- David Ferguson - Headmaster of Westlake Boys’ High School, and a signatory to the open letter from Auckland principals on NCEA.
- Campbell Dewes - Tumuaki of Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Kawakawa mai Tawhiti.
There has been a report from MAG and PAG and ministry. Following the cabinet response there will be further consultation on the detailed implementation plan for 2020.
There could be a change in achievement standards. Discussion is starting with the subject associations about how they will do the achievement standards review, level 1 is likely to be retained as an optional. It varies from community to community – there is a reasonable proportion of students for who it is the highest qualification. Close to 20% have none or only NCEA level 1, including those who could never access it.
Currently we have three high stakes senor examination years (rather than the international norm of two) and the associated stress on students and teachers. We have also seen standards creep over the last 10 years.
There could be a change to the structure of level 1. A range of schools don’t do level 1 NCEA and there are different models in different schools. There could be a two year programme with more project based learning. One example is a school which does not offer level 1 except for literature. They offer semester subjects which they report has excited teachers and students and means there is less pressure going forward. They are not driven by assessment but by deeper learning and coherence. There are nine semester courses for year 11 only.