Congratulations Jill Gray

Jill Gray has been a dedicated member of PPTA Te Wehengarua for 60 years

Hawke’s Bay PPTA members gathered recently to celebrate their colleague Jill Gray’s 60 years of dedicated membership.

Jill, who teaches at Havelock North High School, was the national executive member for Hawke’s Bay and East Coast from 2005 to 2015. During this time she was on the Secondary Teachers’ Collective Agreement negotiations team for three contract rounds.  

Strong branch equals happy staff

She has also served as Hawke’s Bay regional secretary and a branch secretary. “A strong branch is the place to start in order to have a happy staff.  There is nothing more rewarding than seeing the students flourish and learn in a well-supported environment.

“The best thing about belonging to PPTA is that you are not teaching on your own.  There is advice and help at the end of a phone call. I have enjoyed my time in teaching. Well, most of the time  - administrivia gets in the way occasionally.”


Last modified on Wednesday, 17 May 2023 09:11

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