PPTA Annual Conference 2024
The PPTA Annual Conference will be held at the Brentwood Hotel, Kemp Street, Kilbirnie, Wellington.
Below is the list of all PPTA Annual Conference papers
Here are this year's Post Conference papers (updated as of 09/10/2024):
- Encouraging Rainbow Community Liaisons.pdf
- What good Curriculum development looks like.pdf
- The role of the Principal's Nominee.pdf
- Relief Teachers.pdf
- Regional Name Change_West Coast.pdf
- Regional Name Change_Canterbury .pdf
- Regional Name Change_Hutt Valley.pdf
- Amending Gendered Pronouns.pdf
- Constitutional Change - Membership Clauses.pdf
- Improving the system of Units and Leadership Allowances.pdf
- Peace is union business .pdf
- NCEA Level 1_Improvements to implementation needed.pdf
Here are this years Conference papers (Unchanged):
- The long-term vision-based approach for industrial Negotiations
- Constitutional Changes for Electronic Voting
- Constitutional Amendment - Treaty of Waitangi and Te Tiriti o Waitangi
Annual Conference Reports:
NZPPTA Annual Report 2023-2024.pdf
Report on progress made in policy work on Teaching with Digital Tools and Technologies.pdf
PLD Learning and Development Centre.pdf
Climate Justice Report to Annual Conference.pdf
Report to Conference - Initial Teacher Education update.pdf
Additional items:
- PPTA Annual Conference Handbook.pdf
- Annual Conference Claim forms incl. childcare.docx
- Notice of Annual Conference
- Proposed changes to the Constitution
- POSTER_Member Guide to Pay Equity.pdf
- POSTER_Member Guide to Standing for Public Education.pdf
- POSTER_Member Guide to Toitu Te Tiriti.pdf
Keynote speaker slides:
The approximate start and finish times for the conference is:
Assemble for Powhiri: 11:00am, Tuesday 1 October 2024
Conference finishes: 1:15pm, Thursday 3 October 2024
Travel will be booked around these times to enable attendees to get to and from the event.
Executive members, Te Huarahi members, delegates and observers (who must have regional approval) are expected to attend all conference sessions, including conference dinner on Wednesday. The conference will be livestreamed via the website www.ppta.org.nz.
Everyone planning to attend Annual Conference must complete an online registration form. The online form will be available on the PPTA website www.ppta.org.nz from Monday 12 August. Once registration forms are received, travel and accommodation bookings will be made.
Registrations will close at 9.00am on Wednesday 11 September.
An itinerary will be forwarded to attendees as soon as the bookings are made. Attendees are asked not to request changes to their itinerary (unless necessary) as changes are likely to incur additional charges and these may be passed on to them. Any changes will require the authorisation of the DGS Policy.
Attendees from the Wellington, Hutt Valley, Wairarapa and Manawatū-Whanganui regions should travel by train, bus or car. Attendees from these regions travelling to the conference by car are requested to car-share wherever possible. Those who bring their own car will be reimbursed at $1.04 per km.
Attendees from regions other than Wellington, Hutt Valley, Wairarapa and Manawatū-Whanganui, who are entitled to travel by air but choose to drive, are reimbursed either $1.04 per km or the average cost of a return airfare, whichever is the cheaper.
There are a limited number of rooms available at the Brentwood Hotel and attendees will be accommodated not only at the Brentwood but also at other providers close to the venue. Rooms at the Brentwood will be prioritised for Executive members, Te Huarahi members and delegates. Delegates are encouraged to share twin rooms to enable more people to stay on-site. Observers are required to share a twin room (initially offsite) and will be waitlisted for a room at the Brentwood on a first in, first-booked basis.
Extra nights will be arranged for attendees only if airline schedules or the distance from their home to their nearest airport makes it necessary to arrive earlier or stay longer.
Delegates, or their region, will have to pay a surcharge if a single room is requested.
PPTA covers the cost of a continental breakfast. If people wish to have a cooked breakfast at the Brentwood Hotel, they must pay the additional $6.00 per breakfast when they check out. If your accommodation is at the Rydges Wellington Airport, breakfast is included with your room.
All costs for observers (ie. travel, accommodation, meals) will be charged back to the region.
Attendees are asked to contact national office if they do not receive confirmation of their registration within one week of completing the online registration form.
Please contact Julie Elliott at jelliott@ppta.org.nz for travel and administration assistance.
PPTA members who are not an Executive member, Te Huarahi member, delegate or approved regional observer who wish to attend annual conference are welcome, however, they must do so at their own expense. Catering and accommodation will not be provided, and you may only attend open sessions. Instead of completing the registration form please email jelliott@ppta.org.nz to register your attendance.