Adult and Community Education – We’re with you
Negotiations for the Adult and Community Education collective agreement are now underway. For the first time, we are claiming for Out of Hours Music and Arts workers to be included in this collective agreement. PPTA Te Wehengarua is proud to welcome these workers into our union and to represent them in collective negotiations.
Adult and Community Education (ACE) is a vital part of the New Zealand education system. Learning does not just take place in a classroom when you’re young. It is a lifelong pursuit that happens at every age. It is also the means by which communities come together, share their cultures and lives, and create a shared sense of belonging.
We must invest in the teachers who are working in Adult and Community Education. They, like all New Zealanders, are facing the increasing cost of living and they deserve to be fairly paid. Their rates of pay must be enough to attract and retain teachers in these roles, and must reflect the skill and value of their positions.
Out of Hours Music and Arts classes are part of the fabric of childhood for many New Zealanders. These classes provide creative community education for children who may not otherwise be able to afford private tuition. Their teachers haven’t had a pay rise in 17 years.
These members need your help to be successful in their campaign. What can you do?
- Print out the posters at the top of this page and put them up on your PPTA noticeboard
- Make sure Adult and Community educators and Out of Hours Music Teachers know they can join the PPTA
- Get your branch to sign the letter to Chris Hipkins at the top of this page and send it to him at Chris.Hipkins@parliament.govt.nz
What are we claiming for these members? Check out full details here: