Join the Rainbow Taskforce

The PPTA Rainbow taskforce works towards the goal of making all schools safe and welcoming for sex, gender and sexuality diverse students, staff and family/whānau members. It meets once or twice a year for a full day meeting, and at other times in conjunction with PPTA events such as annual conference and the Issues and Organising seminar. The Taskforce also provides Safer School Workshops at the request of schools. 

At the beginning of 2024 we increased the size of the taskforce to 8 people, on 31 December each year half of the taskforce members terms come to an end to ensure staggered terms for continuity. We have also had one member step down due to additional responsibilities in their day job so we are now calling for expressions of interest for five roles on the Taskforce.

The term for members of the taskforce is two years (with one of the current vacant positions having just one year remaining of the term) i.e. until 31 December 2025 or 31 December 2026.

Nominations close Monday 25 November 2024. We will be seeking network membership and geographical representation and will confirm the outcome the week following the close of nominations.


Nomination form for Rainbow Taskforce


Last modified on Friday, 1 November 2024 11:34