SPC members and contacts
Members of the New Zealand Secondary Principals' Council (SPC) are listed with email contact information on this web page.
SPC members serve for two years, and half of the council is elected each November. The Chairperson is elected by council members, the PPTA executive nominates a member, and a PPTA advisory officer acts as secretary.
Secondary Principals' Council (SPC)
Upper, Central & Lower Northland (Area 1): Michael Houghton
Michael is principal of Dargaville High School.
Auckland Northeast (Northern and Eastern wards - Area 2): Steve McCracken
Steve is principal of Whangaparaoa College.
Auckland Southwest (Southern and Western wards - Area 3): Ivan Davis
Ivan is principal of Western Springs College.
Counties-Manukau & Thames Valley (Area 4): Chris Betty
Chris is principal of Tuakau College.
Waikato & Central Plateau (Area 5): Virginia Crawford
Virginia is principal of Fraser High School.
Western Bay of Plenty, Bay of Plenty (Area 6): Alan Liddle
Alan is principal of Te Puke High School.
Hawkes Bay, East Coast (Area 7): Lance Christiansen
Lance is principal of Central Hawke’s Bay College.
Taranaki, Manawatu-Whanganui (Area 8): Rosey Mabin
Rosey is principal of Inglewood High School.
Wellington, Hutt Valley, Wairarapa (Area 9): Denise Johnson
Denise is principal at Hutt Valley High School.
Nelson, Marlborough, West Coast (Area 10): Samantha Mortimer
Samantha is principal of Greymouth High School.
Canterbury, Aoraki (Area 11): Iain Murray
Iain is principal of Hornby High School.
Otago-Southland region (Area 12): Tara Quinney
Tara is principal of Saint Peter's College.
Area School Principals: Karyn Gray
Karyn Gray is principal of Raphael House Rudolf Steiner Area School
Māori Principals: Fleur Wainohu
Fleur is principal of Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Wānanga Whare Tapere o Takitimu.
Women principals and SPC chair: Kate Gainsford
Kate is principal of Aotea College, Porirua.
DGS (Policy): Fran Renton
PPTA Executive member: Kieran Gainsford
PPTA Field Officer:
PPTA Advisory Officer: Kathleen Kaveney
Phone: 08004SECPC