Membership Changes
NZPPTA Member Changes
It is the responsibility of the member to notify the PPTA membership team of any relevant changes as noted below. When contacting the PPTA membership team, please include your membership number (this is the same as your MoE number).
All membership correspondence should be directed to the Membership Team at membership@ppta.org.nz
Changing schools or employment position
Changing contact details
If members change their contact details, they should inform the membership team of any changes to their email, postal address and phone number. Members may also change their details on the PPTA My Page, members’ site My Page information.
Change of personal details
If a member changes their formal name (surname) with Novopay they should inform the Membership Team of any changes as Novopay needs to match the member’s name in the PPTA database.
Members on leave
If a member is on approved leave (e.g. refreshment or parental leave) they may retain their membership for up to two years without paying membership subs, unless they undertake paid work, when subs will be deducted as usual. If a member is on approved leave, they should inform the membership team of the expected return date.
Resigning from the PPTA
If a member wishes to resign from the PPTA or retires from teaching and no longer wishes to retain membership, they should inform the membership team stating the effective date of resignation.
Please note that PPTA requires a minimum notification of two weeks prior to the next pay date in order to meet the Novopay processing cut-off date.
Honorary membership
If a member has retired from teaching (including as a relief teacher) but wishes to retain the benefits of belonging to the PPTA (e.g. health insurance and other discount benefits listed on the PPTA website) or, to continue to support the Union, they may become an honorary member. Note that honorary membership does not include representation or voting benefits. The fee is $50 per annum payable by invoice. The member should contact the membership team to transfer their membership status to honorary member, updating contact details as necessary.
Any other questions?
Please contact membership@ppta.org.nz or phone 0800 630 400