Digital citizenship - resource ideas for teachers
The purpose of this webpage to provide digital citizenship resources for teachers to use in their own class or as part of a school wide digital citizenship programme. These resources were curated by members of the PPTA ICT Advisory Committee - please contact us if you have other useful links that we should add.
A good starting point for a school wide programme
Why Teach Digital Citizenship?
Why Teach Digital Citizenship? from Common Sense Educators on Vimeo.
Just as it is important for our students to become safe and successful digital citizens, so too must teachers learn to use online environments effectively and appropriately. ICTs and online environments provide powerful teaching and learning opportunities that if used effectively can support both student engagement and achievement.
However alongside these many positive opportunities are also increased risks in terms of managing time, expectations and online relationships with our learners. One of the keys to the development of successful digital citizens in our classrooms, is the positive role modelling that they receive from their peers, their teachers and their families.
The NetSafe LGP (Learn Guide Protect) framework recognises the key role that teachers (and parents) play in this development, and suggest that these “Guides” form an integral part of the digital citizenship journey for young people. It suggests that; Young people want opportunities to discuss online challenges with respected and authoritative adults.
This does not require teachers to be technology experts, but it is important that their knowledge is broad, authentic and current. Developing teacher capability so they can act as effective cyber safety guides is vital You can read more about the LGP framework here or by reading the framework document.
LGP: a student-centered approach to teaching and learning about cybersafety
Digital Citizenship Categories and resources:
1. Defining digital citizenship and promoting it
Netsafe Policy and Use Agreements
Digital Citizenship - Student User Agreement (HPSS - there are many more examples online and all available via a Google search)
Definition - A Conceptual View of Digital Citizenship (Netsafe)
Digital Citizenship in schools (National Library)
2. Basic ICT skills
10 Tech skills every student should have
3. Online relationships, safety, privacy and sharing
Netsafe - Harmful digital communications in schools
Netsafe Net Basics videos for yr 7-10
Lessons based around a bullying video - Lets Fight it Together
Lessons based around a bullying video for primary aged student - At a Distance
'Look Up' - A spoken word film for an online generation
Thinkuknow resources for teachers - (National Crime Agency UK)
Thinkuknow resources for students - (National Crime Agency UK)
Netsmartz resources for educators (National Center for Missing & Exploited Children US)
Cyber Smart (Australia - Office of the Children's eSafety Commissioner)
Body image, media and sexuality (NZFPA)
4. Copyright, copyleft & plagiarism, Honesty, integrity and ethical behaviour
Albany Senior High Creative Commons policy (WikiEducator)
Combating plagarism on the digital frontier
Collaboration in schools (Connected Principals)
5. Online research and Critical thinking
Validity of information (How to Identify Trustworthy Informational Websites)
6. Restorative justice
Digital Citizenship Restorative Conference Script (Adapted from HPSS)
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L)
PB4L School-wide Evaluation: Preliminary findings (Education Counts)
7. School wide resources
Digital Technology: Safe and responsible use in schools (Ministry of Education)
Childnet Lower secondary tool kit
Childnet Upper secondary tool kit
Development of Digital Citizenship
(download from links at top of page)
Other digital safety resources recommended by teachers
Net Aware (UK) - a site where parents review and rate social media apps and sites based on the features and how appropriate it is/isn't. I like that it describes the potential dangers and even tells what age children should be allowed to have access to it
Digital Safety- a blog post that gives an overview of several dangers on the Internet and how to deal with them, such as child online safety, social media safety, etc.