
Research, guides, information and policies published by PPTA Te Wehengarua

Branch Audits: About Time toolkit Appendix 1 Branch audit process on timetabling, for schools covered by the Secondary School Teachers' Collective Agreement (STCA) and the Area School Teachers' Collective Agreement (ASTCA)
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July 15, 2024 15/9/2024
Stages of Timetabling: About Time toolkit Section 6 . The timetable should not be the responsibility of one or two teachers working in isolation. While the process of setting up an option grid and allocating learning…
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July 15, 2024 15/55/2024
Sample timetable policy (Area School): About Time toolkit Appendix 9 A sample policy which branches and management could use as a framework for developing or adapting their school policy. ASTCA
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July 15, 2024 15/5/2024
Timetable policy (Secondary): About Time toolkit Appendix 8 A sample policy that branches and management could use as a framework for developing or adapting their school policy. (STCA)
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July 15, 2024 15/53/2024
Part-time teachers non-contact: About Time toolkit Appendix 7 A Part time teacher may not be employed for more than 0.89 FTTE (22.25 hours per week); and no part time teachers can be used for more than for more…
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June 13, 2024 13/49/2024
Meeting Procedures
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February 28, 2024 28/30/2024
Education change management toolkit
February 27, 2024 27/33/2024
STCA Part 5 Hours of work: It's About Time toolkit Appendix 3 (To be updated for 2022 - 2025) Secondary Teachers Collective Agreement (STCA) Part Five Hours of Work - (To be updated for 2022 - 2025)
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September 11, 2023 11/39/2023
Join PPTA flyer
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September 5, 2022 5/50/2022
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March 10, 2022 10/16/2022
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March 10, 2022 10/15/2022
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March 10, 2022 10/3/2022
Addressing the housing crisis in New Zealand
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February 17, 2022 17/38/2022
The timetabling policy: About Time toolkit 2013 Section 4. The requirement that a school must have a timetabling policy and are required to consult with its teaching staff over its timetabling policy was first introduced in 2001-02…
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February 2, 2022 2/52/2022
New Teachers' Handbook (2019) The beginning and new teachers' handbook is a quick reference for new and beginning teachers in New Zealand secondary schools.
1.9 MB
March 22, 2021 22/49/2021
MoE Decision tool for schools responses to Covid 19
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August 17, 2020 17/54/2020
2020 Health and Safety leaflet
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August 17, 2020 17/52/2020
Principals performance appraisal This document provides guidance on the process boards of trustees should follow in conducting the annual performance appraisal of principals.
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August 17, 2020 17/52/2020
Professional learning and development (PLD) toolkit (2011) A toolkit comprising information and an audit process that can be used to support improved practices and outcomes for teachers and learners in New Zealand secondary and area schools.
1.9 MB
August 17, 2020 17/49/2020
Timetabling Framework: About Time toolkit 2013 Section 2 . The prerequisites on schools in terms of timetabling arise from legislation and the collective agreements and are longstanding and well understood. New constraints or requirements can arise…
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August 17, 2020 17/49/2020
The resourcing constraints of timetabling: About Time toolkit 2013 Section 3. Ideally a school’s timetable would be driven entirely by students’ learning needs but the reality is that it is necessarily limited by the resourcing and facilities available.
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August 17, 2020 17/49/2020
Developing further policy components: About Time toolkit 2013 Section 5 of toolkit. Schools have developed different frameworks to deliver student learning programmes. Most, because of limited school resourcing and facilities, and community needs and expectations, are variations…
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August 17, 2020 17/49/2020
A policy development or review process: About Time toolkit 2013 Section 7. The following steps should assist in situations where a school either has no timetabling policy – or it is undergoing a review.
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August 17, 2020 17/48/2020
Some PPTA policies related to timetable policies: About Time toolkit 2013 Section 8. The ‘trained and qualified policy’ - all teachers should hold a tertiary level qualification appropriate to the position, and have completed teacher training. An extension of this…
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August 17, 2020 17/48/2020
Secondary School Staffing Group: About Time toolkit Appendix 2 Findings of the Secondary School Staffing Group 2012: The Secondary School Staffing Group (SSSG) found that larger and junior high schools are disadvantaged by the existing staffing formula and recommended…
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August 17, 2020 17/48/2020