
Research, guides, information and policies published by PPTA Te Wehengarua

Rest and meal breaks: Guidelines to the Employment Relations Act 2000 (2015) Guidelines from PPTA Te Wehengarua on rest and meal breaks for teachers.
Teaching can have a heavy and demanding workload. That's why it's important for your own health and…
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August 17, 2020 17/51/2020
Establishment of a PPTA Men’s Network (2016) 2016 Annual conference paper. This paper is in response to a recommendation from the 2015 PPTA annual conference that PPTA investigate the establishment of a men’s network. The paper notes…
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August 17, 2020 17/51/2020
Teachers in the precariat: fixed-term contracts and the effect on establishing teachers (2016) 2016 Annual conference paper from the Auckland Region and the PPTA Establishing Teachers’ Committee. This paper addresses the insecure work faced by new and establishing teachers through the use…
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August 17, 2020 17/50/2020
Draft Principles for Partnerships between secondary schools and initial teacher education (2016) 2016 Annual conference paper. This paper responds to the call by annual conference 2015 for a working party to be convened to develop a code of practice for managing partnerships…
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August 17, 2020 17/51/2020
The middle leadership problem (2016) 2016 Annual conference paper. This paper updates members on continued work by the Middle Leadership Taskforce since their report to Annual Conference 2015. It includes a summary of findings from…
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August 17, 2020 17/50/2020
From the top corridor to the back field: supporting senior leaders to lead effective change (2016) 2016 Annual conference paper. Senior leaders in secondary schools make a big difference to how well schools function, in particular when it comes to implementing change. They have a significant…
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August 17, 2020 17/50/2020
Initial teacher education in change: But is it for the better? (2015) 2015 Annual conference paper. This paper examines the impact of new models of initial teacher education (ITE) that make greater demands on schools. It considers the effects on teacher workload…
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August 17, 2020 17/50/2020
EDUCANZ: the current state of play (2015) 2015 Annual conference paper. This paper provides a report of PPTA's actions opposing the government's scrapping of the Teachers Council and replacing it with a non-representative and overtly political…
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August 17, 2020 17/50/2020
Middle leadership in crisis (2015) 2015 Annual conference paper. This paper outlines work PPTA's middle leadership taskforce has done in its inaugural year to clarify the important role middle leaders play in curriculum delivery and…
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August 17, 2020 17/50/2020
Teacher disciplinary procedures - presentation to NZSPC (2010) Presentation to Secondary principals' council on teacher disciplinary procedures. Presentation refers to legislation, standards and the process.
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August 17, 2020 17/50/2020
The New Zealand principal’s experience of the school board as employer (2009) Survey report to NZ Secondary Principals Council and New Zealand Principals Federation. Author: Carol Anderson
This survey sought principals' observations of the way in which the board-principal employment relationship…
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August 17, 2020 17/50/2020
The New Zealand principal’s experience of the school board as employer - appendices (2009) Appendices to the New Zealand principal's experience of the school board as employer: Survey report to NZ Secondary Principals Council and New Zealand Principals Federation,
Author: Carol Anderson
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August 17, 2020 17/50/2020
The New Zealand principal’s experience of the school board as employer - summary (2009) Summary of The New Zealand principal's experience of the school board as employer: Survey report to NZ Secondary Principals Council and New Zealand Principals Federation. Author: Carol Anderson.
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August 17, 2020 17/50/2020
Principals' career & appraisal toolkit - Sample performance agreement (June 2011) Sample performance agreement. Appendix B of NZSPC advice to principals' regarding performance appraisal.
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August 17, 2020 17/50/2020
Principal appraisal - a checklist for principals (June 2011) The checklist and questions might be helpful for principals to consider as they go through the process of appraisal which commences with the establishment of the board's policy…
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August 17, 2020 17/50/2020
Principals' career & appraisal toolkit - Job description, example B (June 2011) Principals' career & appraisal toolkit - Job description, example B
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August 17, 2020 17/50/2020
Principals' career & appraisal toolkit - Job description, example C (June 2011) Principals' career & appraisal toolkit - Job description, example C.

An integrated special character school, and this includes a performance agreement with the job description
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August 17, 2020 17/50/2020
Practising Teacher Criteria (PTC) cross referenced with the professional standards for principals (June 2011) Practising/Registered Teacher Criteria (RTC) cross referenced with the professional standards for principals (to be updated)
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August 17, 2020 17/50/2020
Professional learning plan (PLP) template for principals (June 2011) Template: Professional learning plan (PLP) for principals
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August 17, 2020 17/50/2020
Principals’ career & appraisal toolkit - Job description, example A (June 2011) Principals' career & appraisal toolkit - Job description, example A
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August 17, 2020 17/50/2020
Managing employment law issues in schools (Barbara Hill, 2009) Managing employment law issues in schools is becoming an increasingly demanding responsibility in an era of high expectations of accountability placed on boards of trustees and teachers by successive governments…
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August 17, 2020 17/50/2020
Developing a performance agreement and professional learning plan (PLP) checklist (June 2011) Developing a performance agreement and professional learning plan (PLP) checklist and questions.
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August 17, 2020 17/50/2020
Specialist Classroom Teacher Reimbursement form for study fees towards a post-graduate qualification (2012) The 2008 settlement of the Secondary Teachers’ Collective Agreement contained a new provision allowing Specialist Classroom Teachers to receive reimbursement of relevant post graduate study fees. (STCA 3.8B.6)
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August 17, 2020 17/50/2020
Specialist Classroom Teacher Time Allowance Application Form (2010) The Specialist Classroom Teacher (SCT) Time Allowance is available to state and integrated secondary school boards making an appointment to the Specialist Classroom Teacher role. The Specialist Classroom Teacher…
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August 17, 2020 17/50/2020
Guidelines for the appointment of Specialist Classroom Teachers (SCT) in Secondary Schools (2012) These guidelines provide advice to employers appointing a teacher to the Specialist Classroom Teacher (SCT) role.
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August 17, 2020 17/50/2020