Housing Taskforce

The national taskforce will be established to report on housing issues facing teachers. This work is a result of the decision-making at the PPTA Te Wehengarua Annual Conference.
The taskforce will investigate housing issues facing teachers, and the effect these have on teacher supply and retention, and on school communities and learner outcomes. This work may inform future campaigns and collective bargaining claims. A full description of this kaupapa can be found in the PPTA Annual Conference paper, To Everyone a Home.
The taskforce will be comprised of a range of representatives from different areas to inform its work. Through the self-nomination process, we will be selecting representatives from both urban and rural areas in the North and South Islands (excluding Auckland), as well as a representative from the Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland Region. Representation will also be sought from the Executive, Te Huarahi Māori Motuhake, and Komiti Pasifika.