Surplus staffing 2018

The provisional staffing notices are now in schools

If schools have a drop of 1 or more FTTE in staffing they will be ‘in protection’ and will need to manage the reduction following discussion with staff. Schools must follow the surplus staffing provisions of the relevant collective agreement. The key message is don’t delay!

There are three stages:

  • Attrition
  • Voluntary offers
  • CAPNA (curriculum, management and pastoral needs analysis)

The timeframe is tight and all three stages must be completed by 27th November. Notice of disestablishment for any positions take effect on 28th January 2019. The Ministry pays for positions disestablished within the number required for reduction.

Schools which are in protection will be receiving a letter from PPTA advising them of the support and asking if they think they may need to undertake a CAPNA.

The Association has trained nominees around the country to assist schools with the CAPNA process. There is a resource kit and CAPNA spreadsheet which can be accessed from the local Field Office. The Field officer will provide a presentation to the branch on the processes and a nominee will be assigned to any school needing to undertake the CAPNA.

Key dates

Mid to late September 

  •  Boards are sent notice of the ministry’s prediction of the coming year’s roll and provisional staffing entitlement
  • The provisional staffing entitlement notified is guaranteed for the coming school year (GMFS)
  • GMFS is the Guaranteed Minimum Formula Staffin

Late September to mid-October

  • If the notice identifies a reduction in staffing then boards may need to disestablish position(s) and/or reduce the status of positions to which units are allocated
  • Principal informs staff of reductions required
  • If further reductions needed over and above attrition (Stage 1) then voluntary options (Stage 2) may be offere

By end of October/early Nov

  • If the staffing reductions and/or alterations in status made by attrition or voluntary options do not meet the required reduction, stage 3 begins
  • Stage 3 is where the Board needs to prepare for and hold a CAPNA meeting

By 27 November

  • Process needs to be completed
  • This is because a teacher whose position is to be disestablished or deduced in status must be notified at least 2 months before the effective date of disestablishment or reduction

28 January the following year

  • The date when the effective date of disestablishment or reduction takes effect 
  • 28 January is the start date of the next school year for payroll purposes


2018 surplus staffing process flowchart (PDF) 

What happens when your school has a falling roll? (PPTA News - Out in the field 



Last modified on Wednesday, 17 May 2023 09:09

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