Tomorrow's Schools review - updated

PPTA welcomes the Tomorrow’s Schools taskforce report and are excited to see bold and fresh thinking about the education system.

Update: Since the October SPAC meeting the Tomorrow's Schools taskforce has released its report. 

PPTA's response to the report can be read in the News and Media section: 

Secondary teachers welcome bold thinking ( 

You can read the report on the Ministry of Education's website: 

Tomorrow's Schools review ( 

Notes from October 2018 SPAC meeting 

 There was a summit in May to which PPTA made a presentation. PPTA had several meetings with the taskforce and feel positive about those who are on it.

Our President and Senior Vice President are on the cross-sector advisory panel that the taskforce checks back against.

They have met with various groups to get feedback from members and found quite a diverse range of views on where to go from here.

The PPTA submission is based on the Annual Conference paper. While the Association is not in a position yet to put forward detailed plan we have put these principles on the table:

  • fairness and equity 
  • student achievement 
  • student well-being 
  • devolved administration and the effective use of public resources 
  • duplication of resources 
  • school innovation 
  • collaboration between schools 
  •  the ability to meet national objectives 
  • democratic participation 
  • support for teachers 
  • trust 
  • outcomes for Māori 
  • outcomes for Pasifika 

The taskforce will put forward a green paper on 9 November and in 2019 there will be a white paper with clearer proposals for what could change. There will be opportunity to respond to both.

Last modified on Wednesday, 17 May 2023 09:09

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