Women's Network

The PPTA women's network provides a structure and forum for women members to raise, discuss and promote their issues and aims at branch, regional and national levels.
PPTA Women's Committee
The Women’s Committee is the national committee of the Women’s Network. It was establishing after the 2020 PPTA Women in Leadership Summit to lead the agenda for change. The committee acts as an advisory body for the work that needs to be done to reduce gender inequities. It sets the strategic direction for the PPTA Women’s Network and provides support for our regional and branch structures.
The committee aims to represent the diversity of the PPTA membership and is made up of 8 members – 4 general members, a member on the Pasifika roll, a member who is a Principal, and a representative appointed by each of the National Executive and Te Huarahi Māori Motuhake.
The PPTA acknowledges that the Women’s Network and Committee represents those who identify as women, inclusive of cis- and trans- women, as well as gender diverse and non-binary people.