Collective Agreement negotiations begin
Formal negotiations are under way for the first of five PPTA Te Wehengarua collective agreements
Formal negotiatons are now under way for the Adult and Community Education (ACE) and Out of Hours Music and Art (OOHMA) teachers’ Collective Agreement.
OOHMA teachers are new members of PPTA Te Wehengarua who have not had a pay increase for 17 years.
The ACE and OOMA collective agreement negotiations are, in a sense, the first cab off the rank; next up will be the Secondary Teachers’ Collective Agreement (STCA). Members have endorsed the claim for a new agreement and as the PPTA News went to press, the claim was due to be lodged formally.
Also as the PPTA News went to print, area school members were voting on the proposed claim. Area school and secondary school principals are due to vote on their claim later in Term 2 with negotiations starting Term 3.
Sign up to The Negotiator
Members who want to keep up to date with the latest developments in negotiations can sign up to The Negotiator – an e-bulletin that will be issued regularly the STCA negotiations begin in earnest.