Behaviour management
The challenge for PPTA Te Wehengarua members is to get the best value we can for professional support for teachers and funding for schools to work proactively with the bulk of our students, while lobbying the government to commit badly-needed funding and resources to the development of specialist services for children and young people with conduct problems.
Managing student behaviour is central to the job of being a secondary teacher
It is no mean feat sustaining a learning environment that engages and involves anything up to 30 adolescents on an hourly basis – particularly given that until the age of 16, students do not have a choice about being there.
The attached behaviour guidelines give teachers the ability to act together to have an influence on behaviour management in their schools. By working with branch officers and regional networks, PPTA members can make a difference to the way frameworks for behaviour management operate in schools.The attached behaviour guidelines give teachers the ability to act together to have an influence on behaviour management in their schools. By working with branch officers and regional networks, PPTA members can make a difference to the way frameworks for behaviour management operate in schools.
Other resources that may be of use to secondary teachers managing classroom behaviour are attached.
Useful links
TKI - Posltive behaviour for learning