Subject Associations’ Forum 2024

Dates: Monday 15th April Tuesday 16th April

Subject Associations' Forum 2024

PPTA Te Wehengarua is delighted to once again be hosting the Subject Associations’ Forum for subject association chairs or their representatives. If this is no longer you then please do let us know who we should be inviting.  Registrations close on Friday 4 April.


  • Monday 15th April
  • Tuesday 16th April


West Plaza Hotel

110 Wakefield Street, Wellington

A reminder that PPTA Te Wehengarua covers the cost of running the forum (venue, catering and programme) but it is up to the subject associations to cover the costs of travel and accommodation.

We know there have been a number of challenges and changes since we met last year, so we will be sure to have space for you to explore the impacts of these across your organisations and how you can continue to advocate for your members. We will also provide opportunities to explore ways Subject Associations can advocate for better resources as well as ways to affirm and advance Te Tiriti.

Please also feel free to email me with any specific programme requests or offers to lead a session.

Register here

Last modified on Tuesday, 16 April 2024 15:06

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