PPTA News May-June 2020
Activating the regions, schooling in the time of Covid-19, taming the teaching council and more...
The May-June issue of PPTA News: the magazine of New Zealand secondary teachers.
An opportunity to reshape our world
Guy Allan award - Imeleta Faumuina
Waking up the West Coast
The teaching council doesn't speak for us
Undermining public education during a pandemic - Crimson Education
Bittersweet change from terrible events
Temporary NCEA changes
Networking, learning and collaborating at I and O
Trainee teachers join I and O conference
Covid-19 - Opportunities and wake up calls
Covid-19 - Navigating the Lego-field
Covid-19 - Home offices PPTA style
Covid-19 - You depend on every member of your school community
Feeling connected is fundamental to wellbeing - opinion
The safety of our people comes first - Cancellations
Provisionally Certificated Teachers’ Conference (July 9-10)
New faces in the field - Marie Blackley and Ahmad Osama
Stability and support for victims of domestic violence - Out in the field